Book Launch: Budapest’s Children. Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War. Bloomington: Indiana University Press July 2022. Part of the WORLDS IN CRISIS: REFUGEES, ASYLUM, AND FORCED MIGRATION series.

Monday, 25TH July, 15:00

Centre for Population Studies, Avram Iancu no. 68, 3rd floor

PD. Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovács is Senior Lecturer at the Hannah Arendt Institute in Dresden

The presentation can be viewed online via Microsoft Teams. Pre-registration is required. To pre-register email by Saturday July 23rd 2022. The event is part of the workshop organized within the framework of the project PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0472, Raising the Nation: Institutionalised and Grassroots Initiatives for Orphan Welfare in Transylvania During Dualism